速報APP / 教育 / Samskrita Bharati Kerala

Samskrita Bharati Kerala





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Sumskar Systems Pvt.Ltd Green Gardens Road , Kakkanad - 682030

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Interested in Learnig Sanskrit?

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Yes You have foud the right place!!!. Now Learn Sanskrit in an Easy and Interesting way.

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Who we are ?

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Our Vision: पाठयेम संस्कृतं जगति सर्वमानवान् ! प्रापयेम भारतं सपदि परमवैभवम् !!

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Our Mission: Reviving a language, rejuvenating a culture, rebuilding a nation that is Bharat!

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Samskrita Bharati (founded 1981) is a movement for the continuing protection, development and propagation of the Sanskritam language as well as the literature, tradition and the knowledge systems embedded in it.

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Samskrita Bharati is a non-profit organization comprised of a large team of very dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers who take the knowledge of Sanskrit to all sections of society irrespective of race, gender, region, religion, caste, age etc.

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What we aim ?

• Promote the study of Samskrit and make it accessible to all sections of society.